Our Promise to You…
After taking soundings from several of our key accounts on their priorities, we are pleased to confirm our revised mission statement to you, our valued client;
We will supply the latest models of equipment with the latest carbon capture or reduction technology at the most competitive prices available today.

We will delivery early or on time 99% of all deliveries. Early deliveries will increase to a target of 50% of all deliveries within the next month.

An email with Loler test certificate(s) will be supplied by email before our machine arrives on site.
Photographic proof of delivery condition will be emailed to you on delivery, including confirmation of fuel levels and condition.

A weekly statement of plant on hire will be supplied each Friday. Note that plant off hired will register as still on hire and your responsibility until collected.
An off-hire reference will be supplied for each off-hire notice received.
We aim to uplift plant from site not later than 5 working days from your off-hire date.
Photographic proof of fuel levels / /battery condition will be sent on retrieval of the plant.
In the unlikely event of any concern of potential loss or damages, photographic proof will be supplied, so that you can compare these with the original photographs sent on delivery of the equipment.
Any disputed bills will be dealt with within 7 days of being drawn to our attention.
We abide by the CPA model Terms & Conditions of hire.

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