Safety on site, do you tick the boxes?

The Good
We recently introduced ‘Harness On’ to our fleet for added site safety.
To mitigate against risk the ‘Harness On’ intelligent anchor point stops the MEWP’s operation until the operator attaches their harness carabiner.
Call us today on 0344 693 3303 or email to book your cherry picker with ‘Harness On’

We see and hear of bad practise on site weekly, including the prevention of the anti-entrapment from working to no harness being worn, with everything else in between.
Bad practise can lead to accidents on site, and in some cases can be fatal.
Don’t be caught out on site!
We fully back the IPAF “Don’t fall for it’ campaign details below

The Ugly
In 2022, there were 759 reports from 34 countires, up by 15% and 21% respectively.
There were 831 people involved in incidents, resulting in 102 deaths, a decline of around 19% on 2021, when there were 126 fatalities worldwide.
We’re doing our bit at Eagle Platforms to enhance safety wherever we can, do your bit on site, to fly safe!